What is Teratogenicity ? And what are Teratogenic Drugs ?
Teratogenicity refers to capacity of a drug to cause foetal abnormalities when administered to the pregnant mother . The placenta does not strictly constitute a barrier and any drug can cross it to a greater or lesser extent . The embryo is one of the most dynamics biological system and in contrast to adults,drug effect are often irreversible . The thalidomide disaster (1958-61)resulting in thousand of babies born with phocomelia (seal like limbs )and other defect focused attention to this type of adverse effect .
Drug can affect the foetus at 3 stages --
- Fertilization and implantation
- Organogenesis
- Growth and development
Some of the human teratogenic drugs are given below --
- Thalidomide * - phocomelia ,multiple defect
- Anticancer Drugs - cleft plate ,hydrocephalus, multiple defect
- Androgen - virilization ;limb,esophageal,cardiac defects
- Progestins - virilization of female foetus
- Stilboestrol* - vaginal carcinoma in teenage female offspring
- Tetracycline* - discoloured and deformed teeth
- Warfarin* - depressed nose ;eye and hand defect,growth retardation
- Phenytoin hypoplastic phalanges, cleft plate,microcephaly
- Phenobabitoin - various malformation
- Carbamazepine neural tube defect,other abnormalities
- Valproate sod. - spina bifida,neural tube defect
- Alcohol* - low IQ baby,growth retardation,foetal alcohol syndrome
- ACE Inhibitors* - hypoplasia of organs,growth retardation
- Lithium - foetal goitre,cardiac and other abnormalities
- Antithyroid drugs - foetal goitre,and hypothyrodism
- Indomethacin/Aspirin* - premature closure of ductus arteriosus
- Isotretinoin - craniofacial, heart and CNS defect
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