The Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) is an online national level examination for admission into all post graduate pharmacy programs approved and conducted by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.but now from 2019 it is conducted by NTA (National Testing Acency
The GPAT is conducted annually for admission to the postgraduate courses in the affiliated institutes of AICTE and University Grants Commission (UGC). The GPAT score is also recommended for appearing in the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) examination and Ph.D. programmes in various universities.
This exam require a candidate to be thoroughly with everything he has learned in B.Pharm course in 4yr have a good strategy not harder study to crack the exam.
Some of the Preparation strategy , Pattern and Books I share with you all
Pattern of GPAT exam
- It is online test (computer based) .which has 125 objective type question.
- The duration of Exam is 3 hours.Each and every correct answer awarded 4 marks and every wrong answer penalty of -1 mark .
- Question mostly mainly cover subject
- Pharmacology - approximately 15-20 question
- Pharmaceutics -approx.30
- Pharmacognosy -approx.10-15 question
- Pharmaceutical analysis -approx 10 ques.
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry-approx 15-20 question
- Other question from sub. like Microbiology,jurisprudence,dispensing,pathology,app etc
Syllabus & Books
It is very important subject maximum weightage covered in this section to crack a Gpat exam .Many student find this subject as a very tough but seriously it is a very interesting subject if u spend time to study or you have a right knowledge which topic or what to study ? In future posts i 'll tell you How to Study Pharmacology?
In pharmacology topics covered in exam
- Drug interaction
- Mechanism of Action
- Side effect
- Adverse effect
- Classification of Drugs
- Important topics :-
- Chemotherapy
- CVS and blood product
Recommended books :-Pharmacology by K.D Tripathi
This is a very theoretical subject .Aspirants must read the chapter and makemicronotes based on it. these micro notes help in last minute revision.
Important topics in this section are-
- Glycosides
- Alkaloids
- Volatile Oil
- Resins
- Carbohydrate
- Tannins
- Plant Tissue Culture
- Herbal Drugs
- And Some Tests
Recommended Books for Pharmacognosy :- Pharmacognosy by C.K .Kokate ,Tease and Evans
This section is essential for all student appearing in GPAT.Subject under this section
- Physical Pharmacy
- Biopharmaceutics
- Dispensing Pharmacy
- Cosmetics
Important topics
- Tablet and Capsule
- Parentral
- Sterilization
- Surface and INterfacial tension
- Rheology
Recommended books :- The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy by Liebermann and Lachman.
Now Most Important topic
Preparation Tips and Strategy
Most of the Student i have seen that they work hard but never succed in exam because work hard but not smarter . Every year 40000 -50000 in India student appear in exam but only clear the exam 4000-8000 student every year
- First think Why You appearing in Exam ? Give time to think a genuine reason ....
- Dream it .
- If u want a Top AIR100 rank prepare before 7-8 month .
- NOW ,make a time table and stick to it and complete subject in 3-4 months.and make a micro notes that help in last time revision.
- Now you have a 3 months and it is the time to give best or practice online test series
- Online Test series is the major play a role in competitive exam .in online test series have
- Topic wise test
- Subject wise test
- Mock test
- These test give you a practice.and PRACTICE MAKE A MAN PERFECT
- Revision Strategy is also a major role because if u don't revise a subject with in 15-20 days that subject look like a new subject so revision is essential within 15 days
- Revision a micronotes 3-4 times in prepration.
If you want to know which online test series join comment in comment section.
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